
Brian’s Capstone Project cs476

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Oct. 2nd – I just noticed teams of two members have been assigned and our project is going to be “The Bike Kollective” (similar to Turo, but for bicycles instead of cars). It should be a fun experience! First off, we need to introduce ourselves. The introductions assignment is due tomorrow.

Oct. 6th – Our team met yesterday for two hours and hashed out our Teams Standard document. Today, we added two small revisions to the document and submitted it for the assignment due tomorrow. I then emailed the TA our weekly status and updated our team Asana page with the Scrum tasks, marking them as complete. Next task is for each of us to brainstorm/create our own visions/templates of what we think The Bike Kollective app could look like moving forward.

Oct. 8th – Monday evening, Anisa set up our The Bike Kollective GitHub account and Evan sent out his prototype. By Tuesday morning, we all recognized it was a super good prototype. After starting on my prototype, I soon realized it would be difficult to meet what Evan has already created, so I sent a teams message asking the team if we agree to just go with Evan’s and to focus our efforts on other tasks such as the upcoming Project Plan worth 40 points. Kenneth agreed and mentioned he can focus on setting up Google Cloud and Flutter for our group.

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