I’d like to cover two things today, the current rate of my project and the topic of “What’s next?” after graduation. To begin with, I’d like to cover the current state of my project. Currently, I have the MapView kit working and the device GPS tracker implemented. Using the simulator, I also managed to get the Pokemon spawning mechanic working as well, but at the moment, red annotations are spawned as opposed to Pokemon. The next step is to reskin the little red flags with pokemon sprites. In addition to the spawn mechanic, I also have the basic inventory navigation system and compass open. One blocker I would like to mention was that I am using heavily outdated hardware, a Macbook Pro from around 2013. Because of the old hardware, I was only able to run Xcode 11 when the latest version is 14 I believe. A few of the features where changed around in later updates, but I managed to have it all figured out. One last thing I would like to mention is that when I attempted to push my app to the app store for testing, I ran into an issue where my SDK was too old so the app store would not even accept it. What a surprising turn of events.
Moving onto “What Next?” until now, I have not had any experience developing a mobile application. I had to purchase a tutorial to help me get started, but I found XCode pretty intuitive to use and I am impressed with the software. I have a friend that works at ServiceNow in the mobile industry and now I’m strongly considering reaching out. I’m thinking of all the possibilities I could get into. I am developing a game right now, maybe I could tap into the mobile game department although admittedly, there is so much competition and clones of each other. Who knows, maybe I’ll tinker one day and create the next flappy bird.
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