Everyone has their own ways of digging themselves out of a hole if they get stuck. From my purely biased personal perspective, it seems like so many people are good at this and always seem to find a way out despite how little they know. Unfortunately, I do not feel this way about myself. I get stuck often and often times it’s hard for me to figure it out. I am the type of person that needs to have a few mini practices or one large successful project in a given technology until I feel confident enough to figure it out. This past week, I’m having trouble learning how to load character models into Unity, the program feels very unresponsive and despite googling up how to undo mistakes in the software, I was unable to do it and my program constantly crashed. The tutorial I was following as a reference also used Blender which is a 3D graphics software tool. Given the short period of time in this class, I do not think I have the type to learn how to use too many different programs and continuously run into more blockers.
I mentioned previously that I am the type of person who needs to have one somewhat successful project in a given piece of software to feel comfortable. Because I have never created a game of any kind, yet alone a game that involves GPS and a UI, I decided to purchase a tutorial off of Udemy to give me a bit of inspiration. Hopefully, this will provide me the structure I need to understand the bigger scope of the project. I will have to download XCode which is available on Mac only and will have to learn how to use that.
To sum things up, I think I will be restarting my project from scratch and learning to use new software instead. Rather than going deeper into the rabbit hole of something that is too deep and complex for me at this given moment. Looking forward to developing stuff on XCode.
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