
My First Blog Post!

Hello all! My first blog post for Oregon State and my first blog post period! My name is James, but I go by Brennan. I am in my senior year at Oregon State working towards a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. I currently work as a Solutions Engineer at a SaaS company. While this sounds like a made up silicon valley term (because it is) it really is pretty simple. I work with our sales team, creating technical demos and answering technical questions that our prospective customers have. I work with our enterprise product, our highest offering, which is purchased mostly by entrepreneurs, small and large businesses.

I thoroughly enjoy what I do, but ultimately I would like to work in Product or Program Management in the tech space. I thoroughly enjoy creating software, but throughout my studies and work experience, I’ve found much more enjoyment in managing projects and creating the bigger picture. After Oregon State, I am going to continue on to get my MBA to hopefully contribute to my future success in management positions.


Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!