Nominees for ocean advisory panel sought

The Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC) of the Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC) is seeking to fill up to 2 new membership positions in one or more of the following disciplinary areas:

A. Economics
B. Sociology

Oregon Sea Grant, whose director chairs the STAC, is handling the nomination proceess and seeks nominations of objective individuals who have a strong scientific record in one or more of these fields and who are also knowledgeable about Oregon ocean issues.

Please submit your nominations NO LATER THAN October 21, 2010 to

Nominations MUST include

  1. rationale supporting the nomination
  2. each individual’s full name, address, phone number and email address and
  3. a copy of the nominee’s resume/vitae.

It is strongly preferred that you confirm with the nominee that they are willing to be nominated.

STAC will evaluate nominations on the basis of scientific expertise relative to STAC needs and put forward names for approval by the OPAC.

Further information about STAC including new responsibilities contained within Oregon HB 3013 can be found on the OPAC Web site.