Capstone Blog 2: Electric Boogaloo

Want to go over a couple of things in this post. First of all, I’m very happy with my team that I’m a part of. I know we’ve done a lot of documentation, but now with actually starting to get our coding set up, repos initialized and more, it really feels like it is underway now. Really enjoying these early days of working with a team, getting some much needed experience. Just starting fresh on a GitHub project starting to make pull requests etc.

Another thing is the blog posts. I think this is such a cool idea for the class and I think maybe having one every other week would be a nice addition. I know we’re free to do them on our own, but I think this being a requirement would add to the class. Maybe replace a discussion or two to add new blog posts. Maybe have it not be so open, and have required topics of each blog to really feel the progress each student is making.

For this last part, I want to take a little look into my job hunt. I can honestly say I’ve not turned in as many applications as I should have by now. I always feel so unqualified when I see a skill listed that I have zero experience with. I need to just throw my resume out there and give them a try, it doesn’t hurt. Rather try and get rejected than not try at all. Last application I turned in was for Home Depot, which would honestly be a good fit, not because of a certain tech stack, but mostly because I used to be an electrician and would shop there all the time. Would be a fun full circle type of moment.

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