461 in the books

Been a fantastic quarter. Pretty sure I mentioned in the last blog that my teammates are all great. Already knew one before going in to the quarter but the two new people I got matched up with are fantastic as well. We always meet on time, everyone contributes and we all get a long. Couldn’t really ask for more. Should be a great next couple of quarters with them as well and I think we’ll produce a product we can be proud of.

The project itself so far, I feel like we might be a bit ahead of what is expected of this class. We have a pretty nice UI set up with “some” functionality. Got a first iteration of a password generator working. Import/export data use, which I have the task of implementing is working as intended. The reason I use “some” in quotations is that none of the functionality is really permanent until we get the database implemented which I believe will be one of the first things we do at the beginning of next quarter. So, I’m very much looking forwards to 462.

I know documentation is important. But I have to say, very much looking forward to the smaller writing load in 462.






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