Stress Management

A person’s mental health is of the upmost importance. How someone is able to deal with stress and conflict can really affect how they are feeling about themselves. This in turn affects their role as an employee and whether or not they are performing well or feeling satisfied. According to an article by the American Psychology Association, burnout is being felt by nearly 79% of Amercian employees. With numbers this high, it is important that mental health is a conversation that both employees and employers are willing to have. Some organizations are aware of the situation and offering things like childcare and after school tutoring to help with the stress. Other companies are trying to create avenues to talk about mental health and to seek help like with employee assistance programs. Regardless of how an employer decides to address these issues, it is important that they are not pushed under the rug.

After learning this information about the importance of mental health awareness with burnout on the rise, I decided to participate in some psychology tests to check where I am at. According to the Holmes Rahe test, I scored a 158. This implies that I am on the lower end of relative stress and have an increased risk of health complications because of this. Similarly, the Type A test by Psychology Today scored me at a 44. This indicates that I score moderately with Type A personality which puts me at risk for adverse health effects. However, the problem focusing test also by Psychology Today scores me at an 80. This implies that stress within my control I can tackle quite well. This knowledge encourages me to take on my stress headfirst and logically look at the situation. If it is something I feel comfortable with, I can take it on. However, in situations where my stress may be out of my control, I know that for my own health and betterment, it would be the wisest to seek outside help and counsel before matters worsen.

(n.d.). Burnout and stress are everywhere. American Psychology Association.

Coping & Stress Management Skills Test – Psychology Today, Accessed 28 Nov. 2023.

“Holmes- Rahe Stress Inventory.” The American Institute of Stress, 11 Feb. 2022,

Type A Personality Test – Psychology Today, Accessed 28 Nov. 2023.

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