Blog Post #2

In our ML/AI trading bot, My favorite technology in our project has been the stable_baselines3 library, it greatly increases the efficiency of the process of setting up everything and has great indepth documentation that has been very helpful in building our models and agent and it has a great deal of customizability so it allows us to change the reward and state functions to fit our needs and improve on our AIs performance. The numpy library has also been a great tool in data analysis.

I’ve seldom used ChatGPT to find out why my code isn’t producing the desired results, and to explain financial terms to me in simple terms as this is my first dive into financial field. Other than that I’ve once used to actually give me a piece of code that I needed that was part of stable_baseleines3 but has been never mentioned in the documentation. It is very useful but it gets lost easily and produces suboptimal results often. An AI making an AI is also amusing.






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