Western Omelette With Cheese and Mushrooms

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Omelets are filling, delicious, quick, and easy to adapt! There are many different styles of Omelets, each having their own traditional fillings and cooking styles. Omelets are a great staple dish to experiment with and create your own perfect combination of flavors

One way to prepare an Omelet:

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 2 mushrooms, butter, salt and pepper, shredded cheese

Utensils: mixing bowl, cutting board and knife, pan, plate, spatula

Crack two eggs into a large bowl. Beat the eggs until fully mixed and add a pinch of salt and pepper.

Wash, then chop mushrooms into thin slices.

Roast mushrooms in a pan at medium high heat and stir until they change texture and become more soft. You do not need any butter or oil because of the mushrooms’ natural liquids. You should be able to hear the mushrooms squeak as they cook. Once soft, remove from heat and set the mushrooms aside to be used in the filling.

Add a slice of butter to a pan and put on medium high heat until the butter is melted and bubbling. Pour in the egg mixture and be ready with a spatula.

The edges of the eggs should begin cooking as soon as it’s in the pan, and you should see the color become lighter as the egg solidifies. As it cooks, gently pull the eggs from the edges of the pan towards the center using the spatula, and tilt the pan to fill the space left behind with the liquid egg.

Once the egg is mostly solidified (this is somewhat based on preference), place roasted mushrooms on one half, and sprinkle cheese on the other. Fold the eggs in half and cook for 20 more seconds.

Plate and Enjoy!