Category: Uncategorized

  • Flutter stutter II

    Welcome back to another edition of Flutter Stutter, where we talk about the problems with running Flutter apps in debug mode. This week, I want to go over a couple of issues that prevent debug mode from even starting. One thing that can terminate debug mode before it even starts is if you’re trying to…

  • Flutter stutter I

    Let’s delve more into Flutter today… If you are new to Flutter, sometimes it’s hard just to test the program on your emulator. In this “Flutter stutter” series of blog posts, we’ll talk about all the issues that can arise when trying to test apps on an emulator. One of the issues I had was…

  • Inspect-your gadget…

    Raise your hands if you use Flutter for mobile development. I like Flutter. It has a nice basic UI, and the apps are indeed “fast and beautiful” as advertised. However, one thing that can be a pain, are those annoying UI overflows. You know what I’m talking about. You create a Column widget, and put…

  • To mock or not to mock, that is the question…

    Has anybody used this Ninja Mock tool before? I’ve used it once, months ago in another course. From what I recall, it was OK, not great, but I had to use it again for mocking some pages. This time the experience was worse… So I’m creating the UI. I pull the tabs that I need…

  • How do I… login?

    There were a couple of topics I was considering for this blog post. I could talk about how I had settled on a three person capstone team, and had done everything instructed in order to form the team, yet got assigned a different team. I could talk about how long it took for my team…

  • Well that escalated quickly…

    So here I am, trying to enjoy “one week” of vacation before my next (and last) semester, you know, relaxing. I pull up the Canvas dashboard, not really hoping to see anything, and I see the Capstone course. Ok cool, I thought, they probably just posted it and there’s no content. Well, turns out there…