To mock or not to mock, that is the question…

Has anybody used this Ninja Mock tool before? I’ve used it once, months ago in another course. From what I recall, it was OK, not great, but I had to use it again for mocking some pages. This time the experience was worse… So I’m creating the UI. I pull the tabs that I need from the template, and it’s soooo small. I try to increase the size of the whole tabs template, and it seems to resize it, but it doesn’t make the text any bigger. Clicking inside the template, I was able to select the individual text phrases that I wanted and resized the text by increasing the font size. So I felt like I was getting the hang of it, after that little speed bump. Next, I needed to add an icon, something that looks like a gear for the settings button. I google how to add an icon using Ninja Mock, and one search result says to type in “icons” into the search field, but when I typed that in there weren’t any results. I finally figured it out after some time, and it was purely by accident. I had noticed something that looked like a small speck, and thought that it was some dust on my screen, but it turned out to be an icon that was part of the tabs template I had used. Clicking on the icon, I was able to change it to a different icon, the settings icon that I was looking for, then I resized the icon so that it was actually visible. So now I’m done with my mock, and I go to save it. I suddenly remembered why I didn’t like Ninja Mock, because it says only paying members can save their mocks. After a slight panic, I realized that I could take a screenshot of the mock and use that image. Needless to say, I was not too impressed with Ninja Mock. I think that it would have been faster, and less frustrating, if I had pulled up VS Code and coded the tabs and used a screenshot of that instead.

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