Week 4 Blog

The importance of job description and job analysis is to find the right fit within the company, and to make sure that all of the aspects will be met within that job. All of the aspects will be met with the person you are willing to hire, that acknowledges all of the criteria, and knows what is coming before them with their job title. 

In my previous experience, I worked in sales. I had an internship where my job title and description was sales. I would go into people’s homes and give them an estimate of how much it would cost to clean their home. My company did a very good job with their job description. They explained to me what I would be doing as a sales associate, how I would speak to people, my title of my position, and how I should fulfill my duties. Although I was a sales associate within my company, it is a small business, and I was informed that I may need to help with office tasks as well. For example, if the office assistant was on vacation or sick, I would have to fill in those duties and answer phones. This was communicated and upfront with me, and given training as well to do these tasks if needed. This overcame challenges from holding the business back because we were all able to do multiple tasks that are outside our job description, so the business can still be successful, and you are as well by knowing what you are doing and helping out the company. 

Because of my experience I believe overcoming challenges that can be associated with job description can be the explanation of an opportunity to play multiple roles. A challenge can be that you may have to do someone else’s tasks for the day because of a situation that has occurred. Explaining this and showing the  person helps improve the quality of work and the quality of business. In the lecture slides, job specification describes the physical demands, which can overcome the challenges of the work that needs to be done and the description of the job at task. 

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