MGMT 453

I’ve imagined I have graduated college, and have a good position job in the county business related. They want me to move to a different country, working internationally, that would be a positive impact for myself. The place internationally that I would be located in would be Australia. This would be a great opportunity with a positive career impact, as well as speaking the same language. Although these two countries seem to share a lot of similarities, they do make differences in the way that they run their businesses. While looking at Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, you can see that Australia and the US run their business differently. The US uses a more structured program and workplace environment. They have different leadership levels, superiors, whereas Australia has a more casual outlook on leadership, treating everyone equally. Along with that, Australia works collectively together, asking everyone for help, being more hands on and involved with one another. While the US looks at more individualism, doing their work as they see fit themselves. Both the US and Australia have high female workers, making the countries have a good equality relationship going within each other, trying to improve our countries views. 

I think that I would be persuaded to take this job by liking their ethical codes of running a business, “fair go for all” policy. I think that this job would persuade me of the incredible opportunity, the love for travel I have, and the language barrier is not a drastic change. I think I also would like to position because of the interaction between employee positions. Not worrying about someone being a higher up within communication, but just talking to co workers to figure out solutions, and making the business better. 

Admin. (2021, January 25). How the Australian Small Business Sector compares with America and Europe. The Business Coach Blog. Retrieved December 2, 2022, from






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