Week 8 Blog – Goal Setting

I have been very fortunate to have a guaranteed multiple full time offers upon graduation since I completed my sophomore year of school here at OSU. Demand for construction engineering students is sky high, and with the addition of Architectural engineering here, supply of students are lower than typical. That being said, I knew I would have some decisions to make when it came down to accepting a job offer. I have always been very forward thinking and have a pretty solid 10,20,30 year plan and knowing I plan on retiring early, so picking an offer really came down to that.

To sum my thinking process in a few words, I took the highest paying job.

That’s not to say that my decision was solely based on the pay, all of the benefits were similar, and it just so happened my top choice ended up presenting the best offer. However, I think it would be unfair to say compensation wasn’t a massive determining factor in my decision, however I will be able to achieve my goals faster with a higher income.

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