Writing Exercise #5

What choices do you make in terms of food/nutrition/product use and consumption that may have an impact on your microbial communities?

First of all, I don’t believe human adults should be consuming animal milk. Milk is made by a mother for a baby. It is meant for babies. Why do we drink milk made for a different species babies. We wean our own babies off of our own milk, but then we drink animals milks. It doesn’t make any sense.

I fully made the switch to plant based milk products a long time ago – I think this was the first step in being more aware of what I eat and how it affects me. I also enjoy fake meat products. I use yogurt for the “probiotics”

Consider choices that are intentional, and choices that are perhaps non-intentional.

Intentional choices are those like changing to a different type of milk

Non intentional are our own food preferences. Some people have a “sweet tooth” or people who like “savory” – this to me is a non-intentional choice and affects people differently. Fat people make other fat people because of two reasons, genetics and their lifestyle. If you’re fat, your kids will probably be fat because their fat is deposited in the same areas on your body as theirs will be. (Personal example: I got my dad’s chin, which is a double chin, a super baby faced man with a soft jaw.) I see people who are huge and fat and yet they don’t have a double chin. It’s just a matter of where our body feels comfortable putting that excess.

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