List and describe as many changes in human behaviors as you can think of that contribute to decreased exposure to microbes.
- Nutritional choices
- Lower dairy product intake
- Lower fermented product intake
- Less natural pre- and probiotic intake
- Supplementary choices
- Little or no pre- and probiotic use
- Bacterial infection
- Increased antibiotic use
- Pregnancy and infancy practices/changes
- Immunological changes of the mother may impact immune system development of the child
- Mode of delivery (C-section)
- Mode of feeding (formula-fed)
- Maternal milk bacterial composition
- Shaped by an infant’s oral bacteria composition and maternal weight
- Maternal antibiotic treatment during pregnancy and lactation
- Decreased interactions
- Low exposure to dirt/”germs”
- No or few pets
- Decreased siblings
- Homeschooling
- No daycare
- Living circumstance
- Urban rather than rural
- Home sanitation level