Category: Uncategorized

  • Writing Exercise #3

    Here are a list of potential ways we can change our gut microbial communities: Exercise, life-style, and medications. Overall, these topics are fairly broad, boasting both beneficial, detrimental, and neutral behaviors for our gut microbiota! One behavior that we may not typically think will influence our gut microbiota is exercise! While exercising itself may not…

  • Writing Exercise #2

    After reading “Viruses and Human Cancer: From Detection to Causality,” I definitely understand the importance of researching the link between viruses and human cancer. Additionally, I feel that this article provides thorough template and background to guide future studies. Thinking about what is next, I think research should primarily focus on KSHV, Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus.…

  • Writing Exercise #1

    I feel like there are many known and not known non-infectious diseases that are influenced by microorganisms. Unfortunately, I am not very familiar with the known diseases, but I will do my best to name some non-infectious diseases I believe are influenced by microorganisms. For instance, I believe there is an association between diabetes and…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!