Continuing That Thought

Last week I blogged about being surprised by the number of small applications out there that developers use to make some incredible things, and how updating one can break everything so why isn’t there more movement to integrated packages that would mitigate the dangers of breaking changes causing chaos. After some more thought, I don’t think this is likely to change much.

Why? Simply put there probably isn’t much opportunity to make a profit so from whatever limited development aspect they solve. Without that, they will continue to be community developed by contributors since there is no motivation to create a more robust consolidated solution.

My current project is a blockchain/web3/NFT endeavor, and as I consider all of the development tool choices we have to make, I cannot think of a single one that only has a single one. It gets even worse if you lump web framework choices in as well. I read an article recently that declared the web framework war to be over; React is the winner. I don’t necessarily disagree, but the creatives seem to a little. How many derivatives of React are there now? And, it seems like a new one pops up weekly.

I guess it is good to have choices. But you don’t want to make the wrong one either. Spend a bunch of time learning how to implement/integrate only to find out it is dead and you picked wrong. Thankfully, we have not had that happen…yet.

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