So this is the third post in this series and I feel like at least some focus should turn toward my final team project. The team has gelled nicely and is focused on the task at hand. We chose to go the route of learning new technologies and languages because we all have a genuine interest in blockchain tech. We see this as an opportunity to learn the tools necessary for blockchain and NFT development in a somewhat controlled and structured environment, so it is seen as a win-win in that regard. We took the leap and there is no quitting or turning back, and that is a great thing.
But, yeah, the fun truly does begin. This is not a direct competition, so there is no pressure from other groups. And I may be wrong in thinking that most everyone else has started coding at least some aspect of their project. We have not, and might not get any significant code written for another week or two. While that is a little unnerving, this is our path. What has really impressed me so far is how detailed a plan we were able to construct without a clear indication of how to do it, and really, without knowing for certain that our plan is possible.
My gut feeling is that we will be able to pull the entire plan off, but there are certain to be modifications. In a nutshell, we want to make a game that plays similar to Pokemon. The minting is accomplished by searching the grass for a critter. There is a chance that the searcher will come up empty. There will also be a marketplace to buy critters if someone wishes. The main gameplay is battling. This is the real unknown. Is this even possible on the blockchain to battle another user?
From my know enough to be dangerous perspective, I say maybe. I don’t think it is possible to make a turn-based game completely on chain that is responsive enough to be satisfactory to anybody. I could be wrong. Maybe, if we are clever enough, we can devise a way to make the game playable on the blockchain without too many contract interactions and without intolerable lag. If not, I am fairly certain that we will be able to have battles against a bot which would be a big accomplishment. I can’t wait to start trying.