SWOT analysis of CS 467


I believe that CS 467 is an overall well-made class, but I would like to highlight two specific areas that I consider strengths of this course. First, it’s the structure of the class. It’s well-organized, clearly defined, and the materials we have access to are engaging, allowing us to explore a variety of topics that will be useful throughout our career. Secondly, I appreciate the freedom we’re given to choose our own projects from a comprehensive list of options. I also like that this autonomy doesn’t just apply to our project selection but extends to the technologies we decide to use. It feels empowering to have this level of control over our learning journey, enabling us to explore our interests in depth and work with the tools and languages that excite us the most. This flexibility has made the learning experience much more relevant and engaging.


One aspect of the course that could be improved is the class discussions. Often, they don’t seem to add much value to my learning experience. I believe this time could be more effectively spent on our projects, where we could apply our learning hands-on. This isn’t to say that discussions aren’t valuable, but perhaps they are more productive and engaging when they occur naturally rather than out of necessity. Moreover, the requirement to write blog posts on predetermined topics sometimes feels restrictive. It would be much more beneficial if we had the freedom to choose topics that resonate more closely with our personal interests.


This brings us to an exciting opportunity for the course: to make it even more engaging and tailored to our interests. I don’t know if eliminating discussions altogether is possible, but perhaps allowing students to propose their own discussion topics could lead to more vibrant and relevant conversations. Similarly, providing flexibility in choosing blog post topics could enrich the course content with diverse perspectives and innovative ideas, reflecting the wide range of interests and technical focuses within our class. These changes would not only address the current weaknesses but also empower students to take more ownership of their learning, making the course more dynamic and aligned with the fast-evolving field of computer science.


I think there are two main areas that could pose threats. First, staying up to date with the course content. While most topics are timeless and will probably be relevant for years to come, inevitably, some parts of the course will become outdated (as with some other classes in this program). Another area that could pose a threat is the list of available projects getting out of date. In the tech field, where today’s innovation is tomorrow’s old news, it feels like we’re racing against time. Regular updates to our curriculum and project options, guided by insights from industry insiders, would make a world of difference.

P.S. Thank you to the professor Hedaoo and all the TAs for all the hardwork that you do!