CS 461 Blogs

CS 461 Capstone

My name is Anthony Beltran. I’m currently a full-time student studying Cybersecurity and Computer Science at OSU. In my free time, I enjoy watching baseball and football, as well as spending time on the computer. I exercise for one to two hours a day at the gym. Previously, I was an engineering student but decided to switch fields. I currently work part-time as a roofer and security personnel. My favorite projects that are listed involve web applications and cybersecurity.

Title: CS 461 Week 1

Navigating the Top Senior Project Options: Insights and Reflections

In this blog post, I will share my experience and insights from the first week of my senior project class. As a former engineering student and a passionate computer science enthusiast, choosing the top six projects from the link was both exciting and challenging. This week was about balancing prior knowledge, interests, and ambitions, and making the best decisions.

On accessing the projects via Canvas, I was impressed by the many options available. I studied the intricate details of each project, absorbing the instructions meticulously. I am relatively new to the field. I transferred to OSU after taking online CS classes at a community college.. My in-depth background in engineering provided me with a solid foundation, but I was eager to acquire more practical experience.

Despite my busy schedule as a full-time student with work commitments, I approached the task of learning new software tools for the assignments with an open mind. The potential of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) projects fascinated me, though they were uncharted territories for me. I discovered that my passion for cybersecurity projects matched my interest in web development. The prospect of safeguarding digital ecosystems motivated me just as much as crafting engaging web applications.

I initially placed the cybersecurity projects at the forefront due to their immediate appeal. I realized the significance of diversifying my experiences. Therefore, I strategically repositioned the web application projects for a comprehensive learning journey. Although video game development enticed me, I acknowledged the constraints posed by my limited exposure to Virtual Reality (VR) and graphics.

A turning point came when the project survey opened, allowing me to further refine my selection. I seized this opportunity to fine-tune my choices, moving the cybersecurity projects lower and elevating the web app projects. The rationale behind this decision rested on my desire to acquire a wider range of skills, nurturing both my technical prowess and my capacity to create user-centric applications.

Among the cybersecurity projects, Malware Analysis caught my attention due to its similarities with a previous class. Working within an isolated environment with vSphere while utilizing Linux and Microsoft VMs, allowed us to meticulously analyze malware without jeopardizing the security of our main systems. Uncertainty on how to duplicate this on my own computer is the reason I dropped it lower. The Penetration Testing seems like a fun senior project option that could involve creating and testing a web application with an API for vulnerabilities. I created a small-scale vulnerable application demonstrating SQL injection and how to fix it in a previous class. A senior project like this could potentially impress potential employers by showcasing knowledge of multiple vulnerabilities and how to fix them.

In conclusion, choosing my senior project in the first week of class has been thrilling. As a seasoned engineering student turned computer science enthusiast, I embraced the challenge of narrowing down my options. Through careful consideration of my passions, skill gaps, and the desire for a well-rounded education, I found a diverse set of projects. I anticipate diving into these projects head-on, knowing that they will shape my final year and prepare me for a promising future in the world of technology.