Hi, I’m Connor Beer, newbie programmer. The OSU online post-bac CS degree was my introduction to the world of coding. Prior to embarking on this journey I graduated from OSU with a B.S. in Speech Communication, worked multiple government office jobs, and decided that I wanted more.
Like many during the many months of COVID lockdown I decided that my life needed to go a different direction. Sitting at home with no one to see or talk to in isolation I turned to my favorite hobby – video games. I thought to myself, “why not learn how what I spend my time doing for fun actually works?” I’m sure my story is not unique. Many programmers and developers play video games in their spare time, and many went back to school during COVID.
In a sea of people similar to me, how can this blog stand out? Honestly, I have no idea. That is something we will figure out along the way. Hopefully those of you reading will enjoy yourself and want to stay around. If not well… bye I guess. Hope to see you next time.
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