Daniela Olivas Shaw, OSU College of Pharmacy P3 student, recognized a need for properly translated Spanish resources regarding COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccine. The OSU College of Pharmacy Continuing Education team, produces many educational programs for practicing pharmacists, and they provided production and project development resources to lead and support this project. The video for Oregon healthcare providers discusses how to best care for Spanish speaking communities to assure equitable care is provided. There is also a video produced intended to be played for Spanish speaking patients explaining the COVID-19 vaccine, translated properly from CDC written materials. Alum, Dr. Omar Avila, Pharmacist with Yakima Farm Works Clinic, served as Executive Editor for this project, leveraging his expertise as a pharmacist serving a largely Latinx population in Woodburn, Oregon. These videos, along with properly translated CDC materials, can be found on the OSU College of Pharmacy COVID-19 Resources for Oregon Pharmacists webpage. OSU College of Pharmacy DEI Director, Dr. Aleksandra Sikora, authored a brief concluding statement at the end of the pharmacist education piece, offering context and support to practicing pharmacists serving these patients.