
I haven’t had many interviews in my professional career but with the few that I have had, I can tell you some went better than others. All my interview experiences came from when I was applying for summer internships. I remember my first interview and how nervous I was going in but by the end of It, I was feeling much better because it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. All the questions that they asked me I had the answers to, and I even had questions for them. The interview felt like a normal conversation rather than being tested. After this interview, I felt like I wanted to work there but I had other interviews set up and I wanted to have options. To my surprise, most of the interviews went about the same as my first one and flowed very well and I got along with everyone I talked to. However, there was one interview that stood out and it was the worst interview I have ever been in. The whole time I felt like I was being attacked and no matter how I answered a question it was wrong, and they let me know it. The interviewer was rude and very hard to talk to and after the interview, I knew I never wanted to work there. To this day I don’t know if that interviewer just had a bad day or if all his interviews were like that, but I don’t know anyone that would want to work for a company after being treated like that. If there is one thing, I have taken away from my interviews is that an interview should not be a series of questions that you cant get the right answer to. It should be a conversation with questions that flow easily and help you find out if you are a good fit.

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