Category: Uncategorized

  • AI is pretty cool!!

    This term was definitely tough and fast paced, with my little experience in full stack development and all that. Every week I’d have to research and learn and immediately apply what I learned to our project. I definitely wouldn’t have learned and been as productive without ChatGPT. Not trying to sound like an ad or…

  • AI and me

    Using AI, specifically Chat GPT, has impacted my learning in a very positive way. Honestly I don’t know how a service like that could even be free, it feels like a personal tutor that you can access at any time. Needing to troubleshoot some error that you’re unfamiliar with? Chat GPT can help. Need to…

  • Ryu’s CS Origins

    As my first blog post, I’ll begin with why I started studying in CS. To be completely honest, it was on a whim. After graduating with my Biology degree, I was hit with the post-grad blues and felt lost with my next step in life. Having the pandemic occur during this time didn’t really help…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!