WOU fapcard report gave an error on the Mar 28 run:

ERROR: Unable to create FABINVT record. ORA-01843: not a valid month

ERROR: Unable to create FABINVT record. ORA-01843: not a valid month

ERROR: Unable to create FABINVT record. ORA-01843: not a valid month


That is a date format error.  The table fatcard’s records get deleted when there is an issue so I couldn’t tell what was trying to be inserted into fabinvt.  I had to run the am script manually and stop before running fapcard so I could see the records in fatcard.  Investigating the records showed the dates were fine so wasn’t an issue from the treasury file that got loaded.  I looked at the fapcard script and suspected the problem was with the sweep_date and pmt_due_date.  I modified it to print out those values on the fapcard.lis report and sure enough they didn’t have a proper date.


Those 2 variables are calculated and involve settings on FTMPCSH.  Michele discovered a accidental gap in the dates between the end of period 9 and the start of period 10 which the post date fell in.   We reran after she corrected the gap and everything processed correctly.


I removed the 2 debug lines I added to fapcard to bring it back to the 5th site code

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Chpsfeed aborted.  Logs show an error coming from fgrtrni in the shell.  The lis file had the following: Cannot create because the record already exists.
processing detail for Journal, Submission, and Sequence: JG890596 0 84


Normally the lis file is empty.  Investigating showed fgbtrni had records in it.  Running fgrtrni manually gave same result.  The error comes from a table fgbauto but looking at the table showed no duplicate.  Began to suspect multiple records in fgbtrni since controller’s tried to do this several times.  I deleted records in fgbtrni and had co do chpfeed from the beginning.  It worked.

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Current Budget Status by Activity

WOU could not get output from this report.  Investigating found an error with determining the end fiscal period because of its status.  So we got past that and ran into the 2nd problem.  No amounts but zeros in the report.   Turns out it’s related to the parameter Master Orgn Privilege  = N which is what was on the last page.  The fields it pulls from on fobprof should be giving a Y.  Looking at the select statement on the proC source pointed at a problem with the userid variable not getting read correctly.  I changed the code to select user from dual and that seems to have solved the issue.

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SOU Bookstore feed

Run into problems with SOU’s bookstore feed twice now.  SOU places a file in /san/flat/sou/souprd/fin/invfeed.  The file has a name *bookinve.dat and contains 3 record types.  The shell FZRBKST gets run from job submission.  It splits the file into 3 files, one for each record type and loads 3 temp tables (fwbinvh,fwrinvc, and fwrinva) .  Next it picks up some vendor and fopal info, geneates a doc code and inserts into Banner tables to get picked up by fgbtrni.


The program removes all lis files and logs when it starts making tracking down an error situation tough because a user has a tendency to try and run again when they get an error.  The shell makes it to archiving the original data file and usually fails somewhere in the 3 sqlldr loads.  So when they try and run it again, the 1st logs are deleted and it fails right away because there is no data file.


I check the 3 temp tables and look at the load logs if they’re there.  If it failed during a load, you can delete the temp tables, have the user fix the offending record in the datafile, reload the datafile, and have the user run it again

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Got a ticket that FWITBAL was not showing current balance for period selected  in owag.  It worked correctly in other database instances.  I grabbed the form to look at the source and saw that the current balance was coning from the view fgvtbl1.  The fiscal period field in the keyblock area was an OUS addition to the form.   The field got picked up by fgrparc.  I looked at the view fgvtbl1 and couldn’t see where fiscal period played a role anywhere in the current balance calculation. Finally figured out owag did not have the same view as the other databases which had an undocumented mod.  Once I put the correct view in owag, it worked.  I documented the mod of fgvtbl1 and put it in the tree of the databases under views.  I don’t know how many more of these undocumented mods are out there but I sure wasted a lot of time on this one.

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WOU AP/Check Run

Last week WOU had a check run which failed to print.  They reported a Banner “hiccup” happened during the check run. Looking at the log from fabchkp showed an empty lis file. I checked the table fatckno and found a starting check record but no ending check record.  Fatckin was also empty and nothing was posted.  So we decided to remove the fatckno record and start over the next morning.  I did not check fatckdt which I should have.   Michele ran checks the next day and posted them.  We thought all was good.  However, the AR/FIS feed which ran over night found the records in in fatckdt and assigned a student check number to it.  None of the student checks posted luckily.  We cleaned up tables fabinck and fabchks and were ok.

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With the transition from Fran to myself, there are some ESCWON request that are transferring to me.   One was a request to create a new report FWRINVO  to identify zero vendor payments to run prior to the a/p check process.  The ticket said it was in user testing with EOU.  I moved it to woutst and asked Michele to set up a zero payment so get a look at the output.  It didn’t select it.  Looking at the code quickly revealed that we didn’t need all the stuff from FARINVS which is what was cloned.  I decided to create a report for scratch against the commodity table farinvc and fabinvh.  It pulled the woutst record so we’ll see what changes they want to make to it now that the initial proC is out there.

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IITFEED – OSU telecom

The telecom folks did not process their file yesterday.  I checked the logs for iitproc on the owag spool and discovered what looked to be file permission issues in the tc flat directory.  Chuck changed permissions on the file so it would process this morning.  It did not.  The iitfeed.err file showed a cln file did not get generated and we got a bunch of errors as follows:

Error  : line 9,033 – Doc: JC101852 – Trying to post to a prior period or no 20-FEB-2013

FTVSDAT record for month in Aggregate DB.


Treasure offered to help look at the data file and determined the dates were within the period.  It was not the period but the ftvsdat record.  Nick has a record on ftvsdat that closes the time a iijv can feed x many days before the period ends.  There’s code in iitfeed.pc that checks that ftvsdat record and generates an error that we saw when true.  We have passed it so Nick opened it up on the ftvsdat record so we can feed the file tomorrow morning.  We would have preferred to feed today but it would have overwritten the files for the schools already processed this morning.  I ran the raw file from telecom through the iitfeed program in my own directory and did not get the errors again.  Iitfeed just creates a cln file that gets loaded into Banner tables during the next process of the iitproc script so it was safe to run.  Nick says it’s no big deal if it gets posted to next period because it’s not the end of the quarter but I know OSU is really trying to get it in this period.  Took a bit of time to figure out what was going on with the process because I haven’t had to get down to that kind of detail on it before.  Treasure was helpful and poor Chuck is on vacation.  We’ll see what happens in the morning.

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FWRFEDR report

Controller’s reported not getting the output file from this report in their cn directory.  I noticed it wasn’t compiled so I recompiled it but still no output file.  The job was defined as a procedure on owag but I found no shell for it.  The source creates a PRN extension so I made a simple shell to transfer the file and handle running the proC from a shell.  Now we got a shell error.  Looking at the logs I saw an error for a remote database name.  Sure enough the proC calls several database links that can’t be seen by the user.  So I modified the shell to run it under the database schema and I now get output.  So now I can get back to seeing if the output transfers to the cn.

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OPE was separated into item 11,12, and 13 in an OUS mod from the baseline version of 1.  In the item description field on the form, no description comes up for 11,12,or 13.  Looking at the source for the form showed that the description was coming from a function in a banner package fp_encumbrance.f_get_item_description.  I put a mod in a case statement on fgkp_encumb1.sql and moved to the 5th site production along with owag.  A record was added to GWAMODS for tracking.

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