Week 2 Experiences with Discrimination

If I became aware for a claim of discrimination taking place at a company I frequented, it would definitely negatively impact how I felt about that company. Especially with it being a widespread issue across the company focused on my race/culture. One incident could be attributed to employee or person that does not represent the company as a whole. With this being a widespread issue, I would personally not spend my money at the company any longer. I would not want to support a company that would allow discrimination directed at any race/ethnicity/culture. Finding out that the discrimination was directed at people connected to me by race or culture would be extremely hurtful and I think in a way I would regret the money that I had spend previously at the company. I would not apply to work for the company or shop at it again until I knew that the owner or management had change so that the issue of discrimination was not occurring anymore.

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