Serendipity to nightmare in two seconds flat

Honestly in my three years of experiencing freshers week I have learned a few things. Firstly, there is tons of free food you just have to know where to be and when. If you are doing it right you should only have to cook a few meals in the first week if that! Secondly, there are TONS of events and it is almost impossible to make it to all of them! Thirdly, it can be one of the most stressful weeks for an incoming freshman. Now I know that I am not technically a freshman, but I have definitely felt like it these last couple weeks. I have been wandering for most of my time here and I am just now starting to find the smartest routes to places, I feel like there is always somewhere that I need to be or I am missing out, and then when you think that everything is all in place that is when it all falls apart.

I went to an event called cheese night which was awesome because basically all we did was go to the local club and listen to throwback music! Who doesn’t love that. The next day I went to the beach with my college and let me tell you, IT WAS AMAZING!! The beaches here are incredible!

Yesterday was the Serendipity event where the students get to tour around and see all of the clubs and societies to see which ones they might want to join and of coarse pick up free food along the way! I basically put my name down for everything and I am definitely going to narrow it down. I think I am going to join power lifting, tea time society, climbing society, surfing and possibly trampoline society. I also think that I am going to volunteer to go on outings with kids and play games with them.

You could say that my life was perfect and that everything was going to planned and falling right into place. That was until I went to turn in my classes. One of them I couldn’t take because it was a year long teaching class and I’m only here for six months and then there were clashes in my schedule and walking from one side of campus to the other and back again. After about 2 hours of rearranging I found a schedule that worked. I ran around this morning getting everything signed and now it is turned in and I can relax! Now time to go get some school supplies and find some free food!


Stay tuned for more Wales tales 🙂

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