
Hello World

Hello, everyone! My name is Audrie Nielsen. I am nineteen years old and I am excited to be beginning my senior year at Oregon State. I have lived in the Beaver state my whole life. Outside of school, I work part-time as a barista and consider making coffee as one of my hobbies. I also love to play video games like Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, and a heavily modern version of Stardew Valley.

My journey through college has been a bit unconventional. After leaving high school at age sixteen during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, I quickly earned my GED and enrolled in community college. I started out as a microbiology major. However, my journey took a significant turn when I enrolled in my first computer science class.

While I had dabbled in JavaScript through Khan Academy during my elementary school years, it was learning C++ during this college course that ignited a newfound passion for coding within me. My professor encouraged me to switch majors so upon transferring to OSU Ecampus the next year, I wholeheartedly embraced the field of computer science.

I have loved studying at OSU. Computer Architecture and Assembly Language, and Operating Systems I have been some of the hardest classes I have ever taken, but also some of my favorite. During my coursework, I have found that I particularly enjoy learning about lower level programming languages, which I would love to be able to incorporate into my capstone project. I am nervous but very excited to dive into my project in these upcoming weeks.

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