ASSP @ OSU Student Section of the Columbia ­Willamette Chapter, American Society of Safety Professionals

Bylaws of the ASSP @ OSU Student Section of the Columbia ­Willamette Chapter Bylaws, Revised October 14, 2024.


Section 1.    The name of this Section shall be the ASSP @ OSU Student Section, a section of the ASSP Columbia ­Willamette Chapter.

Section 2. Hereinafter, the ASSP @ OSU Section shall be referred to as the Student Section. The Columbia ­Willamette Chapter shall be referred to as the Chapter, the Area Operating Committee shall be referred to as the AOC, the Regional Operating Committee shall be referred to as the ROC, and the Oregon State University shall be referred to as the School. The American Society of Safety Professionals shall be referred to as the Society.


Section 1. The purposes of this Section shall be to promote the advancement of the safety profession and safety education and to foster the professional well-­being and development of its members within its campus and community.

Section 2.       In fulfilling its purposes, the Section shall have the following objectives:

  • To further the professional preparation of the members by sponsoring programs for the advancement of safety and acquisition of technical knowledge.
  • To improve scholarship and the general quality of work in the Safety Profession by fostering a concern for progress in all areas of safety, among safety educators and practitioners.
  • To encourage greater professional and social cooperation and interaction among students of safety and allied fields and disciplines.
  • To unite the resources and skills of students and faculty in programs to benefit Section members, the school, and its community.
  • To assist the Society in the development of effective and relevant educational programs for the preparation of future safety professionals.
  • To provide encouragement and support to society student activities and foster student member development and retention on its local campus.
  • To promote participation and entrance into safety/health careers by OSU students.

Section 3. Nothing in these Bylaws is intended to substitute for, or supersede, rules or procedures established by the school that impact upon the Student Section.


Section 1. Membership in ASSP @ OSU Student Section is open to all students who are enrolled at Oregon State University who are interested in or enrolled in a program that is relevant to Occupational Safety and Health.

Section 2.        Student Section membership is personal and non­transferable.

Section 3. Student Section members are eligible to  vote  on  all  matters brought before them.  A majority affirmative vote is necessary for action unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws.

Section 4. Student membership is contingent upon the student maintaining good academic standing with the school, maintaining good status with the Society, and following the good conduct principles of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised. Suspension or expulsion may occur for violations of this clause.

Section 5.  The  process for suspension or expulsion will follow Robert’s Rules of Order,  Newly Revised “Chapter 15, Discipline”.

Section 6. Membership shall not be denied to any student based on differences in age, color, ethnicity, national origin, gender, physical or mental ability, religion, socioeconomic background, Veteran status, sexual orientation, marital status, genetic information, and marginalized group status.


Section 1.  The Student Section is a subdivision of the Columbia Willamette Chapter, formed  and operated by ASSP Student Members attending Oregon State University..

Section 2. The Student Section shall have and maintain a minimum of four (4) members in order to maintain its charter.

Section 3. In order to maintain its charter, the Student Section  shall  identify  an  advisor  (defined in Article V, Sec. 3) and shall provide the Chapter and Society annually with information on the advisor’s name, address, and telephone number.

Section 4. The formation and maintenance of the Student Section charter is based on requirements and guidelines set forth in the Chapter Administration Guide, and is subject to the approval of the Chapter and the appropriate ROC.

Section 5. The Student Section fiscal year shall begin on October 1 and end September 30. The Student Section activity year shall begin on the beginning of the regular OSU academic year (i.e., Fall term) and end at the end of regular OSU academic year (i.e., Spring term).


Section 1.       Elected Student Section officers shall be:

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Secretary
  4. Treasurer

Section 2.       Any student member of the ASSP @ OSU Student Section in good standing is eligible to be elected for an Elected Section officer position.

Section 3.       Duties of officers:

  1. The President shall call, set agendas for, and preside at meetings of the Officers meetings or the Executive Committee (club Officers), and preside and set agendas for general meetings of the Student Section membership; shall set goals and objectives for the Student Section and provide leadership, guidance and direction to officers, committees and members to see that they are met; shall appoint members of the Nominating Committee; shall serve as chief spokesman and representative of the Section to the Chapter, Society and allied groups; and shall submit an annual report of Student Section activities to the Chapter and Student Member Activity Task Force.
  2. The Vice President shall succeed to the office of the President if the President is unable to serve; shall act for the President when requested to do so by the other Officers, the Executive Committee, or members; shall supervise the work of Student Section appointed committees; shall assist the meeting work and connecting work with outside resources; shall assist the membership recruiting work and shall in general prepare to ascend to the Section Presidency when the President’s term of office ends.
  3. The Secretary shall record, transcribe, and distribute minutes of all Student Section meetings, prepare, and distribute meeting notices, maintain all Student Section records, and conduct Student Section membership development and retention activities under the supervision of the Executive Committee.
  4. The Treasurer shall collect and disburse all Student Section funds, maintain Student Section financial records including all income and expense activities, collect Student Section­ generated membership fees and dues, handle all Student Section liaison with financial institutions, submit an annual report of all Student Section financial activities to the Executive Committee, and keep the Student Section and Chapter regularly informed as to the Student Section’s financial status.

Section 4. There shall be a Student Section advisor who shall be an ASSP member who is a faculty member of the school where the Student Section is located. There may also be a Student Section co-advisor who assists the faculty advisor. The co-advisor shall be employed by the school and have relevant occupational health and safety training and/or experience, but does not need to be a member of the faculty. The advisor(s) shall serve as liaison(s) between the Student Section, appropriate school officials, and the Chapter. The advisor(s) shall be informed of Student Section activity and financial reports, fundraising activities, and be consulted on all matters relating to Student Section dues, fees, and Bylaws. The advisor(s) shall ensure that Student Section activities do not violate School rules and regulations governing on-­campus clubs, groups, and activities. The advisor(s) shall annually review the Bylaws, risk assessment, and any other Student Section governing documents to ensure compliance with School rules. The advisor(s) shall be informed of all events and activities planned by the section, and ensure appropriate use of the School name and trademarks associated with the student organization and its activities.


Section 1. Elected Student Section officers  shall  make  up  the  Executive Committee, which shall govern the Student Section according to these Bylaws and within the authority delegated to it by Student Section members.

Section 2. The Student Section shall have a Nominating  Committee,  appointed  by  the  President, for the purpose of developing a slate of Student Section officers annually for member election. The committee shall consist of three Student Section  members, at least one of whom shall be a current or past Section officer. The committee shall elect its own Chairperson.

Section 3. Other Student Section committees may be appointed by the Student Section President.


Section 1.  The  Nominating  Committee  shall be appointed by the President annually   for the purpose of recommending a slate of one or more nominees for each Student Section elective office. Publication of the slate, including background and qualifying information on each nominee, shall be completed during Week 6 of the Oregon State University Spring Academic Term. The election for the succeeding Student Section activity year shall be completed during Week 8 of the Oregon State University Spring Academic Term, and installation of newly elected officer shall occur before the end of the Academic Year.

Section 2.       The term of service for officers shall be for one (1) Academic Year from the beginning of Oregon State University Fall Academic Term until the following Oregon State University Spring Academic Term.

Section 3.       Any Student Section member may submit a signed petition nominating one or more members for elected office. The petition shall be accompanied by a written acceptance by the nominee(s) and shall be submitted to the Nominating Committee Chairperson during Week 5 of Oregon State University’s Spring Academic Term before the elections are conducted.

Section 4.    All Student Section members shall be given the opportunity to vote on the election   of officers, through written ballots distributed on campus, online, and/or at a Student Section meeting.

Section 5. Three Student Section members, who are neither candidates for elective office, nominating committee members, nor current Student Section officers, shall be appointed as Tellers to count ballots, confirm the propriety of election/nomination procedures, and announce election results. If Three Student Section members are not available to perform this action, the Student Section advisor(s) may do so.

Section 6. Elected Student Section officers may be removed by majority vote of Student Section  members at any regular or special meetings upon presentation of a signed petition from the Student Section Executive Committee, or 3 Student Section members. Notification of such meeting shall be made to all members at least fifteen(15) days in advance of the meeting. Appointed Student Section officers may be removed by the officer who appointed them, or by the Section Executive Committee.

Section 7.   Vacancies in elected Student Section offices occurring during the elected term shall  be filled by the succession designated in Art. V, Sec. 1. The resulting vacancy in the office of Treasurer shall be filled by affirmative vote of a majority of Student Section members upon a nominating slate of one or more candidates submitted by a special 3 member Nominating Committee appointed by the President. The election shall be held at a regular or special Section meeting, notice for which shall be published at least fifteen (15) days in advance.


Section 1.   Student Section members shall be assessed an annual student member renewal fee by the Society as determined by ASSP’s Board of Directors. Fees shall be paid annually on the anniversary of the Student Member’s membership anniversary date.

Section 2. The Student Section may assess its members’ additional annual fees and dues, upon recommendation of the Section Executive Committee and approved by a majority of Student Section members voting at a meeting where a quorum is present.

Section 3. The Student Section Executive Committee, through the Student Section Treasurer, is responsible for all Student Section financial activities, under guidelines established by the Society, Chapter, these Bylaws, and the Student Section Executive Committee.

Section 4. The Student Section shall provide an annual financial  report  to  the  Chapter,  Regional Operating Committee, and Student Member Activity Task Force, describing all Student Section income and expense activities for the preceding twelve (12) months. This report shall be reviewed and signed by  the Student Section Advisor(s) and submitted to the Chapter by June 30th.


Section 1.    The Student Section Executive Committee shall meet upon the call of the President  or upon a majority vote of its members.

Section 2. The Student Section shall hold at least six (6) meetings of its members during each Academic Year, to acquaint them with its activities and conduct necessary business. Fifty-one percent (51%) of present Student Section members at a meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3. Special meetings of Student Section members may be called  by  the  Student Section  Executive Committee or by written petition of Fifty-one percent (51%) of active members in the current academic year, submitted to the Student Section President.

Section 4. Student Section member meetings and votes shall be required to accomplish the following actions: amendment of these Bylaws, establishment of or change in Student Section dues or fees, removal of elected officers or general members, and Student Section dissolution.

Section 5. Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the transactions of business at Section meetings, unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws.


Section 1. Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed by the Student Section Executive Committee or by written petition of at least Fifty-one percent (51%) of active members in the current academic year. Amendments proposed by members shall be presented to the Student Section Executive Committee.

Section 2. Amendments shall be published at least fifteen (15) days in advance of the meeting at which action will be taken on them.

Section 3. Amendments shall be voted  on  at  a  regular  or special Section meeting  where a quorum is present. A Fifty-one percent (51%) affirmative vote is required for approval.

Section 4.   All amendments approved by Student Section members are subject to approval of the Chapter Executive Committee and Regional Vice President.