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Not pictured:
- Maggie Brisbin
- Frankie Pavia
Mentors and Guest Presenters
Emily Eidam (co-lead)
Laurie Juranek (co-lead)
Jim Thomson (science mentor)
Lloyd Pikok, Jr. (AK community observer / UIC Science, Battelle)
Lisa Rom (NSF Program Manager)
Kayla Hubbard (NSF)
Jeff Obelcz (NRL)
Doug Russell (UNOLS)
John Farrell (USARC)
Jesse Farmer (UMass)
Karla Heidelberg (USC)
Christina Goethel (UMCES)
Not pictured:
- Frank Rack, NSF
- Gay Sheffield, UAF/Sea Grant
- Maya Thompson, STARC
- Andrew Niedbala, USCG/UNH
- Kaan Cav, UNH
- LCDR Jamie Greendyk, USCG
- LCDR Brian Williams, USCG
- Brandi Murphy, UNOLS/UW
- Sarah McCullagh, UNOLS/UW