Exploring Adaptive and Personalized Learning Options for OSU

In February 2016, the IS Instructional Governance Committee convened a task force to establish a series of adaptive and personalized learning platform demonstrations on campus during spring term, 2016. Building on the momentum of a successful migration to Canvas and efforts to establish a new learning ecosystem called Learn@OregonState, the intent is to provide faculty with an opportunity to explore and review adaptive learning options. For an introduction, check out ELI’s 7 Things You Should Know About Personalized Learning.

We are interested in learning more about how an adaptive and personalized learning platform or platforms may help us accomplish the following, among other goals:

  • Improve student success by helping us target and address known gaps in student knowledge and skills, such as in high DFW courses, or in programs that draw students with varying degrees of preparedness 
  • Improve success of international students
  • Improve our ability to track how all students are meeting learning outcomes for the continual improvement of our course design, and to support student success overall
  • Access data that provides insights into the cognitive dimensions of learning and student behavior to inform student success efforts
  • Enable greater flexibility to create more personalized pathways for a variety of learners

The task force is in the process of identifying and inviting providers to come to campus and planning the logistics of the event, scheduled for May 9 and 10. If you have questions, please contact Shannon Riggs at shannon.riggs@oregonstate.edu.

Task Force Members

Shannon Riggs, Robin Pappas, Courtney Everson, Alex Aljets, Chrysanthemum Hayes, Erica Curry, Victor Yee, Stefanie Buck, Mike Bailey, and Sara Thompson

IT Instructional Governance Committee

Dave King, Lois Brooks, David Barber, Robin Pappas, John Greydanus, Susie Brubaker-Cole, Cheryl Middleton, Susana Rivera-Mills, Bill Loges, Rebecca Mathern, and Faye Chadwell


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