It’s Been an Adventure at OSU.

Welcome to my blog! Getting to this point has been quite a ride.

My journey started when I was working a night shift at a mental hospital, and I realized that I was overworked and underpaid. I did some career research and discovered it was possible to change careers in as little as two years at OSU while traveling anywhere around the world.

And so, I did just that! I traveled around the world while volunteering on farms to cover my food and living expenses. The first two years were very difficult, and I got more than a few B’s, but after I decided to settle down in Bangkok, I met my now wife and got a job as a teacher. I met many programmers in the city who inspired me when my life got tough, but I continued to study at a slow pace.

In 2020, my life began to get difficult. I was once again unhappy with my salary and was not willing to move back to the US during COVID-19 for an internship since I was in a relationship and knew COVID was very serious back home. Despite this, I continued teaching and doing my best to improve myself. I earned very high grades and spent my limited income wisely. Last year I got married and had a kid. Although it has been a difficult year, I have nearly reached my goal of graduating from OSU.

My baby now has his passport and my wife’s visa to the US should finalize in the next few months. Preparing for interviews without internships is daunting, but I believe my projects and determination to land a job will make up for it!

One thing I learned about myself is that, even though I am not passionate about programming and would never create large projects solely for fun, I know I want to do it for a career. Money is a significant motivator for me, but I enjoy making small websites and scripts in my own time and would learn many skills working at a company. I have no doubt that my interest in both technology and solving problems are enough reasons to continue pursuing this career at any cost.

In addition, I am excited to finally see my family after 4 years of being apart. It truly feels like an exciting new chapter in my life.

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