1. What am I good at?
I am good at communicating, staying organized, and passionate. I am not afraid to speak out about certain things, and enjoy being an advocate for others. I have a strong work ethic, and always perform to the best of my ability.
2. What do I value?
For this question, I had to really consider what will make me happy as an individual both in my personal and professional life. While I want to be comfortable and stable when it comes to financial matters, I do not necessarily think it is my primary motivation. I value family, integrity, and humility, and like these values along with others to show through with all of my actions. I think my biggest motivation going into the working world is being independent and being able to provide myself and those closest to me with stability.
3. How did I get here?
When listening to the minilecture, the concept of mini decisions and their future implications really stood out to me. I have always felt that I have been one that is very indecisive, and have always leaned towards the option that others feel is best for me, rather than taking my own route. However, I definitely think that coming to Oregon State, an out of state school where I did not know anybody beforehand, has pushed me out of my comfort zone in important ways.
4. Where am I going?
If I continue on this current path, I will graduate on time with my degree in management, which will hopefully lead me into my Master’s degree and will leave me happy and fulfilled not only professionally but also personally. I have always valued education and want to continue down the sports business route, although I do not have a current position in mind.
The values that you share and your pursuit of stability and independence are very good characteristics. In the professional world, these values will help you identify very quickly what kinds of organizations you desire to work for, and which organizations you need to shy away from. Don’t be afraid to view your prospective workplaces through a critical lens of your own value system.
Thanks for sharing!