Most Important Thing You’ve Learned

Throughout this class, I have learned about several skills and concepts regarding the recruitment and hiring process. Everything that we read and worked on throughout the course of the term has been eye opening, and broadened my perspective of what it takes to be successful in business.

One particular area which I found most interesting over the last ten weeks, was the job descriptions module. Honestly, I had never taken time to consider what the scope of a job description has the power to do. By comparing and contrasting descriptions that we found online, it was shocking to see the differences in job postings. Some job postings left very little information, and it was difficult to grasp what the employer was looking for. Other positions were labeled as being entry-level, when they required a great deal of experience in the field. This caused frustrations amongst us graduates, who know that this is a very common kind of job posting. Other postings were composed of so much information, that it was nearly impossible to find what the actual job was comprised of.

Throughout browsing all of these postings, I was able to clearly see the importance of how job openings and descriptions are communicated. There has to be a middle ground between sharing too little, and too much. Then, the job posting needs to sound interesting, without adding so much wordage that the viewer gives up and moves on.


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