Kicking Off Capstone

So here I am, in the final leg of this CS degree. It feels a bit surreal, given how much grinding has been involved over the last few years, but it’s also very exciting. What started off as a small idea during my time in previous careers/entrepreneurial endeavors, has finally come to a point where it will become a reality. All those moments of thinking if I only had the knowledge or ability to program so I could solve this really annoying business problem, or develop a tool that would save my business some man hours or expenses have led me to a point where I can solve these problems now. It’s all very encouraging and in hindsight, the decision to pursue a formal degree, is one I’m very pleased with.

During this period of learning, I also came to discover that I’m not much of a front end guy. Not that I don’t like a responsive UI for a better UX, but I enjoy much more being a back-end type developer. It’s something that is more interesting to me overall. This bleeds into my decisions for project choices, and for this Capstone project in particular.

My team and I will be going with making a crowd sourced travel planner. The idea of having anything crowd sourced means that I’ll get to play with data, lots of it. There will be plenty of back-end work to be had with this type of project. It’s also one project where I’m looking forward to learning cross-platform technologies, aiming to get the project to work on different platforms, be it mobile or web.

Though CS344 Smallsh project is the one project I’m most proud of during this degree program, I aim to make this capstone project one that I will be equally proud of. It has a lot of potential to be an app that requires me to get as “full stack” as possible. And I look forward to the challenge.

Until next time,

Andrew Vo

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