Capstone Project Journey

Hello! My name is Amir. Born and raised in the SF Bay Area, dabbled in Los Angeles for a decade and now back in the Bay. I have my degree in music and by the end of spring I will have a computer science degree as well. I chose to go into computer science because I always enjoyed computers and once I tried coding, it felt a lot like composing music and so it felt only natural to enter the field.

This blog will serve to capture my Capstone Project journey. Our first task was to take a project survey and filter through some projects that interested us. Some projects that interested me were the Classic Arcade VR and Mobile Recycle App Projects. I was drawn to these projects because I believe as a programmer it would be valuable for me to learn AR/VR. I am interested in the gaming industry and recently I learned mobile development, specifically Flutter and Dart and really enjoyed it.

With this Capstone Project I hope I can learn what it is like to work on an industry project with a team under the direction of a team leader and at the end have a polished product I can use for interviews.

Thanks for reading and I’ll keep us posted.






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