On Wednesday, September 25th, 2019 our chapter hosted a film screening and panel discussion on the OSU Corvallis campus during the Corvallis Climate Action Week. The NOVA documentary Decoding the Weather Machine was shown followed by a question and answer session with Distinguished Professor Dr. Ed Brook, PhD student Iva Sokolovska, and PhD student Ricardo de Ycaza. Ed Brook, who is featured in the film, studies paleoclimatology and geochemistry in OSU’s Ice Core Lab measuring ancient atmospheric gases trapped in ice samples from Greenland and Antarctica. Iva Sokolovska is studying Public Policy and knowledge-to-action networks via the Climate Impacts Research Consortium and its work in the Pacific Northwest. Ricardo de Ycaza is also studying Public Policy, but with a concentration in Marine and Coastal Policy having previously worked in marine ecology, fisheries biology, conservation, natural resource management, corporate sustainability, and project management, among others. The panelists addressed a variety of questions following the film concerning climate science, the impacts of climate change, and climate policy.