What I learned about content marketing through HubSpots certification

My digital marketing professor assigned me to complete a HubSpot Academy certification of my choice. For this assignment, I chose to complete the content marketing certification as it is the type of marketing that will eventually be the most applicable to my future career. This certification took me about 4-5 hours to complete, plus 30 minutes for the exam at the end.


Overall, I learned a lot from this assignment and felt that the certification was a great way to gain extra knowledge on the concept of digital marketing. I learned a lot of new information it such a short period of time.

It is helpful that you are able to pause and go back to the certification at any time. I was unable to sit down for 4 hours alone to do this, so I dedicated an hour a day for 4 days. At the end of each chapter were quizzes, I thought these helped me memorize and translate the information I listened to with ease.


I couldn’t think of many drawbacks except for the fact it was a bit long and therefore some of the information eventually became repetitive. I did not think it was necessary to go over a lot of the basic information about marketing several times. I think knowing that marketing is supposed to benefit the consumer in all aspects is pretty self-explanatory and doesn’t need to be touched on every chapter. Getting rid of repetitive information will cut down watch time, making the certification less draining.

One comment that I would like to make is that I hate this blog post website.

What did I learn?

Proper Formatting:

One thing that I learned, I am currently applying to this blog post! I learned that header formats should be as such:

H1: Overall Page Title, H2: Sub-header, H3: List Items


I had never known before that repurposing was a strategy that marketers used for blog posts.

Repurposing can start 2 weeks after your post your content and can be done multiple times for any blog post. It is the action of resharing your blog posts in new formats to reach a higher audience and give chances for improvement in SEO search rankings. Repurposing can include adding lists, updating posts with more current information, adding headers and subheaders or even changing the title to create more relevance.

Pillar Pages:

Lastly, I learned about pillar pages. I had no previous knowledge of pillar pages or I had just no idea that these pages were called pillar pages.

A pillar page is a single page that acts as a main hub for all overarching topics. If you have multiple pages that can link back to one topic then this topic will be located on a pillar page. Over time these pages can rank very high because of the multiple topics linked. I thought this was super useful to know and can now recognize this on multiple forms of blog posts that I browse.

Overall, I learned a lot of information using HubSpot Academy and I would recommend taking this course or other courses to any marketing professional. You can learn a lot of information from one of the greatest blog posting companies of our time. On a scale of 1-5, I would rate this program a 4! I am looking forward to possibly taking other courses in the future to continue to enhance my education.






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