Category: Uncategorized

  • Labor Union: Pros + Cons

    While looking at all the different aspects of what makes a labor union unique, I found there to be an interesting contrast between the pros and cons.When researching about unions, one of the things that stood out to me was the limits that it sets for managers and employers (Swift, 2022). It was interesting to…

  • Managing Health & Stress in the Workplace

    Based on the results from the tests, a few things that I learned about myself are the following: sometimes I may not realize that certain aspects of my life are causing hindrance stressors, I am fairly efficient at problem-focused coping but should apply it to more than just the major and most apparent stressors in…

  • Compensation and the Expectancy Theory

    While analyzing how I ended up in my current role at my place of employment, expectancy theory explains it perfectly, suggesting that “individuals are motivated to perform if they know that their extra performance is recognized and rewarded” (Rowley et al., 2011). Starting out at my job, the work that was expected of me fulfills…

  • What Makes Training Beneficial?

    When reflecting on a training that I found especially beneficial and cross referencing it with the article, Your New Hires Won’t Succeed Unless You Onboard Them Properly, I found there to be a couple key points that I resonated with. The training that I am recalling was primarily conducted through online training modules for the…

  • The Good and The Bad of Interviews

    I recently had an interview experience that was both effective and ineffective. It was effective because of the company’s reliability and selection utility, but ineffective because of their validity. Selection utility used well because the company sent two representatives to Oregon State’s career fair to select individuals who exemplified their values and might be a…

  • Job Descriptions – Why They Matter

    While reading  the materials and applying them to my own experiences, I am reminded of a job that I was employed at, for all of four days, until I resigned due to a lack of clear job descriptions. For myself, the biggest challenge that came along with not having a clear set of expectations were…

  • Success seen in HR

    While looking at human resource and managerial successes within companies I referenced the article, Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For® 2020, to gain a deeper insight of what goes on within the three different companies, Salesforce, Workday, and Kimpton Hotels and Restaurants, workplaces and evaluate their employees overall satisfaction. The first company that I…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!