// why Unity?

always_ff @(posedge clk) begin

In the past two months or so, I had been wanting to get back into playing games. I had a couple old consoles that I took out and started looking through the games I owned, contemplating whether or not I wanted to treat myself to something new or stick to one of the ones I already had (games and consoles both). During this small period of time, luck would have it that I was catching up with a friend of mine, mentioning my recent interest as mentioned above, and she talked about her purchase of the Oculus Quest 2. It piqued my interest, especially since I had never used a VR device before and her review of it seemed quite stellar. Within the following day, another friend of mine had come over and low and behold…she had brought…a Quest 2. After playing it pretty much all throughout the evening (yes, Beat Saber. What else?), I decided that it may be just the thing that I was looking for. Then, I bought it!

In the following weeks, having been able to experience virtual reality, I thought it would be really cool to spend some free time messing around with making games for the VR. I decided to jump in and purchase a Unity class in Udemy, and started watching the first video. Now, my Spring quarter just started and again, funnily enough, there it was as an option for a Capstone project. To me, I thought it was a wonderful opportunity to be able to learn and build a VR simulation through a class at OSU itself!

The past week has been entirely on getting tools setup (one of the most challenging parts in my opinion for any project), but the team I am part of has been very supportive and helpful, making the entire experience more fun than frustrating. Especially since we have a member that is quite experienced in using Unity and C#, I think it’s been very efficient in knowing where to go in regards to tutorials and getting things working. The highlight of it all was getting a small practice simulation onto my Quest 2! The following weeks look quite daunting, if I am being honest, but mixed with lots of excitement.

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