First Post


Hey! This is a blog about my experience with my Senior Software Engineering Project. This first post is really meant to serve as an introduction to me, and show some potential projects I’m interested in. So without further ado…

who am I?

My name is Cameron and I currently live in Mission Viejo, CA with my wife and our two cats. I grew up in a suburb of Los Angeles called Altadena, and moved to Mission Viejo three years ago when I got married.

My wife and me in Turkey

I love making coffee (and drinking it too). I’m a hobbyist game developer, and have made many small computer games, and even published a few for free. Someday I’d definitely like to commercially release a small indie game.

My cats: Pickle (Siamese) and Boba (black and white)

I started messing around with programming many years ago, but got serious about it in 2018 when I attended a four month intensive bootcamp on web development. I found that I really enjoyed the process of programming and solving programming problems. I thought that getting a job after attending the bootcamp would be easier than it was.

My cohort and me at the end of the Fullstack Development Bootcamp

Eventually I decided that my bootcamp certification wasn’t enough, and that I would go back to school to get my BS. After doing research on the best online CS programs, I landed at OSU. I’m in my senior year as a full time student, and have done every class fully remote. I’m excited to finish, but not excited for the job search!

Senior Engineering Project

I’m excited to get started on my Senior Engineering Project, and hope to learn a lot about developing a larger scale app or program with a team. I have experience with the MERN stack and writing webapps, writing games using Unity and C#, and doing general programming in python. I’m willing to learn anything for the purpose of this project though, and hope to push to greater knowledge through it. The two projects that interested me the most from the posted list of projects were the “Markup Maps – Aquifers” and “Artificial Intelligence for Election Predictions” projects. The aquifers project interests me because of my interest in sustainability and environmentalism. The election prediction project interests me because of my interest in politics. I think both projects could also be positively impactful if executed correctly and adopted.


I’m excited by the prospect of having this blog to look back on. I just finished reading The Making of Prince of Persia by Jordan Mechner. This book was a selection of journal entries kept by the maker of Prince of Persia (a classic computer game). Reading through his development process was fascinating, and I feel that this blog project is an opportunity to create something similar for myself.

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