Gah! Seriously? Impossible! Yet another discouraging week, I can hardly believe it. Meetings popping up at work, kids getting sick, one car working… blah, blah, blah! And yet, I need to remind myself to just take a breath and try to get one thing done. Get one more thing done, and then another, and then another. It would be nice to have many more ‘anothers’ crossed off my list by now (!), but I am where I am and can only move forward. I am reminded that, even though my personal situation is stressful enough for me, it could be challenging in other ways:

My friend’s daughter is in London, going to school and planning to stay there permanently. However, she recently came upon certain enlightenments that could cause her to lose her student visa, set her back in school, and ultimately curb her chances of successfully getting back into the field she already has a foot in when she returned. Within 2 days, she had to meet with school officials, gather information, come up with a business plan to submit, and sit and wait… She finds out this week if it will work out, or if she is back in the states next month. She has built a life there while going to school as she has always known she wanted to be where she is, and she has been successful in her studies. I am even waiting impatiently because my friend is SO ANXIOUS to hear what is going to happen!

So, reminder for me is that I could be feeling much more dire than simply frustrated, and that I need to keep trying solutions until I find something that works. It will happen, even in week 5 and beyond 🙂

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2 thoughts on “For the love of…!!

  1. I TOTALLY understand the feeling of not only not being able to “catch-up”, but feeling like we’re getting even further behind. Seriously – shouldn’t there be a limit on how many things can go wrong or de-rail or plans in one week?! I think that you have a realistic, positive outlook, however, and are aware that things could always be worse (something I have to remind myself during the particularly difficult weeks as well!). As stressful as this week is, just keep tackling priorities one at a time, and you WILL get through it!!! Hang in there:)

  2. Thanks! The end of the week is here and I am hardly caught up – taking so many deep breaths I am practically hyperventilating by now! Still, I think I can make the most of it and, knowing how horrible this feels, try and get back on task next week. Kids – stop being sick! No more meetings at work, thank you! Car – work, dang it, and you’d better not cost an arm and a leg! (At least, it would be nice to have *that* much control…)


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