As an online learner, my ability to work independently, stay on-task, and seek help when needed are all strengths that work in my favor. Although I am a strong reader and able to manage my time pretty effectively (who knew?!), I still need to work on how I take notes and absorb information. I’ve discovered that writing things down with pen and paper works well with my learning style, but also takes a whole lot of time, so that is the main area I want to improve… remembering that even though it takes more time, it is necessary (and saves time when I’m trying to prep for exams)! I don’t think that I would have examined my learning style or what ways I could change my current systems to improve my learning if it weren’t for this class:)
I have also learned that sometimes I need to “revisit” how I’m doing things… I will be checking in with the online study tips each term to be sure I’m doing what I need to and remembering to apply what I’ve learned about my own learning style and preferences.
I will absolutely be using many aspects of the library services for assistance with my academic experience… everything from future research papers to finding online articles for classes! I’m also going to utilize some of the printable calanders next term to help manage my time more efficiently!
I didn’t know how long I had until I could earn my degree or how I was going to balance the different aspects of my life. By thinking about my goals – both long-term and short-term, I was able to prioritize what is really important to me, and what I can change/let go. I’ve also taken steps to determine when I can realistically complete my degree and what I need to do to accomplish that goal! Just having that goal, and a date to look forward to helps to keep me focused and determined!
The tips and discovery of online resources through this course have been so valuable, but I think that the introspective aspects of the class… thinking about my learning style and my goals have had an even bigger impact on me as not just an online student, but as a person!

2 thoughts on “Making the Most of My Education

  1. I love the depth and gravity of your learning, Stacey. It thrills me to no end that there were concrete tools of real value for you, but that you learned the most, perhaps, from your own introspection. The time you spend on you is invaluable!

    I am certain that your willingness to share your learning and offer your perspective added to everyone’s experience in our class this term. Thank you for sharing your reflections with us.

    Keep up the good work, Stacey!

  2. Awesome reflection! A lot of what you pinpoint for yourself coincides with me, especially about how writing things down helps you remember, but that it is equally important to remember that the extra time doing so will save you time later! So true 🙂 I’m really glad to hear that you seriously looked at your goals and were able to figure out a realistic timetable and prioritization. I still have to focus on that a bit more, but I have so many variable in limbo right now that it is a little tricky. All the best to you and I’m sure you will accomplish all that you are setting out to do!


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