Making the Most of My Education

When I started this course I would say I had very few strengths that would help me in online learning. I had taken a few online classes and made it through. I knew how to participate and what was expected and what to expect. I believe that my biggest improvement was in time management. It is nice being given a week to accomplish assignments but when it comes down to it you have to put in the time, or the quality of work I put my name on suffers. I want to put forth my best work all the time and not do partial work. I plan to use the research techniques and time management skills to help support my future classes. I believe that the surveys we took covering our learning styles helps me out in understanding how to approach all assignments.

I plan on trying to get as many resources like books or objects I can put my hands on to feed my learning style. I believe that over the next few years as I am taking classes and progressing toward my degree in the online environment that my learning styles will change some. I have already seen changes from high school to now in the fact that I enjoy reading.

I plan to use the OSU library the most. After our live chat I really think that there are some great tools to explore there. I understand that the OSU website is designed to cover every type of information for all degrees and support but there are so many ways to get lost. I really hope that I can become more efficient at the main page and get to where I need to be. I learned from our scavenger hunt how difficult it can be to find a resource if you are not completely sure what you are looking for. I hope that I am not alone on this frustration. I believe that my advisor is a great help for getting started in the right direction.

I do not have a clear goal any more. I started this term dead set on how I saw the next year of academics going and where I should be by the next New Year. After this class started I was taking an additional class in my local community college and was forced to drop the class for a conflict with work and timing. So that threw me off from the start. After going through a few weeks of this class I was still focused and planned on taking the class I dropped in the summer semester. Now over the past 2 weeks I have yet again been thrown in the deep end with no life jacket. OSU has not signed the memorandum of understanding with the government for military tuition assistance. They had until March 1st to sign, or they will no longer accept military tuition assistance. Well according to my education office yesterday they still have not signed the memorandum of understanding. So I will probably not be attending OSU any more. I am exploring more options and other schools to attend. This is a very upsetting thing to happen and has changed my view on school and education yet again. For me I almost don’t have the drive to continue scrounging around to find what will work. I have to step back and rethink my approach and find out what is best for me and my family.

4 thoughts on “An end with new beginnings.

  1. Matthew – I am so sorry to hear about the predicament you seem to be in. That is extremely discouraging – on top of things that at first seemed so encouraging! You seem like a person who is dedicated to a path, but who is also willing to alter that path in order to find an end to the means. That is so frustrating and I wish I could offer you any sort of advice. I appreciate you sharing this with us and I sincerely hope you find a new way to reach your goals. I have to say that your situation makes me look at mine with some new dedication because it truly can be difficult to see the forest through the trees. I genuinely wish you the best in your future, whatever you are able to figure out.

  2. I received an email saying that OSU has signed the memorandum of understanding. Unfortunately it comes a few days to late. I have honestly enjoyed taking this class and wish all of you the best of luck in your adventures.

    • Matt – what does this mean for your studies? Will you be able to continue at OSU? or did the late agreement effect your options?

      I was so glad to hear the news from Ecampus that the MOU was signed… had no idea of the sensitive timeline. You are so dedicated and committed. I am certain there is a way to reach your goals, and for once it should not have to be experienced as complicated. You have earned at least as much. Thank you for sharing all of this with us.

      • The signing of the MOU is good and it doesn’t matter that it was a few days late. Unfortunately the DOD has suspended all tuition assistance. There are so many stipulations and other regulations that make using my GI Bill benefits right now as a part time student not a very good idea. So as of right now I am no longer going to be attending school until the tuition assistance returns.


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