I could have sworn I left a post on this…but I guess here it goes again.  Well, I have no experience with bloggs or discussion forums and I think that the way we communicate in the present time keeps more and more people connected.  The only thing is we are all missing the face time and the face to face interaction between people.  If I had to choose between bloggs or forums…I would choose forums.  I have been told by friends that they talk more and find out more on forums than bloggs.  I still like to actually write out a letter or two to family.  Its a style that is going the way of the dodo.  Just curious…who here still writes letters with pen or pencil?

4 thoughts on “Week 5 = Bloggs vs. Discussion Forums

  1. Ooh! Ooh! I do! I still like to write the occasional letter. I often have trouble finding a stamp, but I really like writing with an actual pen 🙂 I have always liked to write things – never even minded having to write all those thank-you notes growing up (and they always had to be thank-you letters, actually). Even when texting or emailing, I still prefer using full words instead of abbreviations because I actually like to write. I just learn to write faster 🙂

  2. Jennifer,

    I entirely agree with Kyle. You do have a great writing style that captures the poignancy of your observations. I don’t suppose you have the time to, but maybe you should start your own blog.

  3. I gotta agree with the love of receiving a real-live handwritten letter. I treasure the handwriting and the message seems so much more meaningful. However… I am guilty of turning to electronic formats to get the job done. Thinking back, I only handwrite letters for Christmas thank you’s. I even sent email and facebook thank you messages after my birthday this year. And I kind of felt bad about that. Glad I got it done (because my letter-writing stack would have gathered dust this year) but a little embarrassed by my method. Glad to learn I’m not alone in this sentiment!


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