I personally like discussion forums for an online classroom a little bit better. I feel as though they are more organized, but it is also nice to have the blog and to connect in a different way. I like the blog. I feel more connected to my class. I think the blog is a little more different than the discussion board because it is a little less formal.  I believe a blog would be more meaningful in a more philosophical class. What I mean is that it is more of your thoughts then facts going into the class. I did start a blog as an online learner, but have not updated since I started.

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One thought on “Week 5 Thoughts

  1. Well get on that update! 🙂 It sounds like a great idea (I’ve been considering starting my own blog as well), but then it is more writing and I just don’t know if I will commit properly to it right now. You have to have a certain amount of consistency if you’re hoping people will follow at all. I do agree with you about the blog creating more of a connection to classmates because of it being less formal. It is a nice alternative 🙂


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