I am considering blogging about being an online learner. I realized today why on the first day the instructor clearly goes over the syllabus. I went in to take my first proctored exam, and did not even think twice about using my notes. This is even after the proctor asked “are you sure you can use your notes?” Because we were given one hour and twenty minutes for 40 questions and 6 essays after our weekly quizzes were 30 mins for 10 questions and 2 essays and were open notes I thought absolutely open notes. I am actually thinking the proctor should have stopped me. She never made it clear I could not use them. This was so out of character for me, I was totally embarrassed.

Read your syllabus entirely on the first day of class!

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3 thoughts on “Online learner, READ your SYLLABUS

  1. Yikes! It does seem like the proctor should have known about the test not being open-note and should have stopped you!! Since it was a mistake, will you be able to take a “make-up”? Now please excuse me while I go re-read each syllabus for my classes:)

  2. Oh boy! At least it was an honest mistake and one you won’t make again! I do find it curious that the proctor didn’t know you couldn’t have notes because I thought they not only received the test, but guidelines as well from the instructor. My proctored exam next week specifically allows one notecard filled out front and back, plus blank scratch paper to work with. I would think that would need to be passed along, otherwise you could get away with quite a lot. That, or waste a lot of time and money. Sorry you are embarrassed!


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