This class has been interesting as I try to catch up because I started at the end of week two. Trying to balance the elements of a good study ritual while rushing to complete projects as soon as I can has been interesting;  knowing the classes will only be getting more difficult.  working three days a week, being a dad, while taking four classes can be taxing. As I run though the projects of each of my classes I try to keep what I am learning in this class in mind. Setting up adequate times for each of my classes is what has been most difficult. I am doing Trigonometry and blogging while my daughter watches Winnie the Pooh.


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One thought on “Self Reflection 101

  1. Keep it up! Sounds like you are really working on things and there is a lot to juggle. Your last sentence made me smile – many of us will at that, I’m sure 🙂 I do very similar things! Although I usually have some downtime while my kids are at school, I often have to work on things in the evenings after their homework is done, when they have free time (mine are talking online, playing games, at martial arts), but I get what you’re saying. Every little step still counts as a step towards your goal!


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